
From 2002 to 2012, we provided assistance to experts or end-users specifically in weather radar data utilisation, in different task:

Consulting: assistance to end-users for the definition of operational applications, data selection, test of facilities management strategies.

Studies in operational context: analysis of radar data quality, data re-analysis, optimisation of the data use.

Operational application: assistance for the building of operational tools, integration of radar data in existing tools and uses.

R&D: R&D studies, transfer of research results to operational use, software optimisation, interface between researchers and end-users.


Thematic information

The weather radar:

The weather radar is a privileged tool to remotely detect and monitor rain cells. Consult the basis of the radar rainfall measurement.



Precipitation forecasting and nowcasting:

Here, some indications concerning the limits and the good use of radar forecasting (in French).


Maximum potential for rainfall measurement with the French weather radar network:

What is the quality of rainfall measurement in each point of the France territory with the ARAMIS network of 24 weather radars ? a simplified map



Download papers:

Here, you have access to a list of personal papers published in the field.


Weather Links:

On line access to radar and weather information in France, in Europe, or in the world.


French vigilance maps in real time

Connexion carte vigilance Météo-France

 Weather Vigilance

 © Météo-France

Connexion carte vigilance  SCHAPI

 Flooding Vigilance

 (source SCHAPI)

Connexion carte vigilance Eumetnet

 European Vigilance

 (source Eumetnet)


Below are some examples of achievements for partners who trusted us:



To simulate the hydrologic visibility of the French weather radar network

By exploiting research results of the LTHE, ALICIME developed an operational version of a software package simulating the measurement quality of a weather radar. This software is now utilised by Météo-France.

We have used an upgraded version of this tool in 2005 and 2006 to assess the hydrologic visibility of the French network of 24 weather radars controlled by Météo-France. In 2007 we proposed an optimal volumetric measurement protocol for each of the 24 radars of the ARAMIS network.



To use radar data for the optimisation of process management

Quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) or forecasting (QPF), quantitative or qualitative alert criterions, we have developed customised operational software which can be integrated in existing management systems of services or industrial processes.

For example, ours tools are used by the Urban Community of Nancy (NE France, 270 000 inhabitants) to optimise the security and the efficiency of its sewage system management in rainy weather, and by the "Compagnie Nationale du Rhône" in order to improve its forecasts of the Rhône river flow and the electricity production of its 19 hydropower plants.



To detect and monitor intense rain cells

Radar data are decisive for the storm alert and for the real time management of rain events. ALICIME has developed operational tools in this field, which can be integrated in the existing survey systems of the end-users.

We have a specific expertise of rainy water management in urbanised area, and developed the storm alert system of the Urban Community of Nancy.



To analyse historical rain events

Radar archives can be used to analyse particular rain events or to realise a climatological study with large sets of data. The animation of radar images and their spatial coverage allow to understand the evolution of the rain events.

We have realised many studies or we have proposed customised software adapted to each requirements.